Google is on a mission to take over the mobile world.
Innovative Android operating system is used more and more new phones, and one day all phones may be used. How the fate of the iPhone or BlackBerry?
The phone can be said the most successful technology in the current generation. With the production of four billion handsets around the world means doubling of Internet users as well as two and a half times the amount of television. Then what will happen next in the world of mobile phones?
If Google wants Android's future success, in the next few months will be a crucial period. Android itself is gaining momentum and is called the mobile phone operating system that will change the way to use the phone.
Currently operated phone own way. Instead Android mission is to simplify. Including making the display more intuitive and widely available as standard.
"The combination of software simplicity and trends in developing countries which make the function directly into a global platform Android is interesting for the next few years", said Richard Warmsley, head Internet and entertainment operator T-Mobile.
Android initiated a small company in Palo Alto California, which later bought Google in 2005. Since then, Android has become the flagship of the group of 48 companies known as the Open Handset Alliance.
What's interesting about Android and differentiate from competitors is made based on Linux. Everyone knows, Linux technology experts around the world. Also Linux is freely open sourceyang means all people who have the relevant technological capabilities can participate by expanding it.
motorolamorisonBerbagai mobile phone vendors have started to show Android handset. Handset makers including Motorola is very confident about the future of Android. The company reportedly hired a team of 77 engineers to create their own operating system, and hire engineers who understand Google's system.
Not only cell phones, Android also has been tested to run the netbook. No wonder this Android could threaten the popular
BlackBerry smartphones and iPhone. Android phone could be a direct rival to the iPhone because they carry a high specification and prices are not much different from.
But Android developer based in the UK Al Sutton said the situation will evolve to resemble the computer market. "I see the future of the iPhone and Android will be the same as PC Mac and PC Windows. Apple's focus on the premium brand while Android will be available everywhere ", he explained.
htcdreamGoogle states until the end of this year will be available 18 Android handsets from various vendors. Meanwhile, consumers who have visited the Android G2 Hero Touch and manufactured by Taiwanese manufacturer HTC.
The cell phone and brought the high end 5 megapixel camera and video and GPS functionality. In addition, of course, full integration with the advantages of Google products including Gmail, Google Talk and YouTube.
Then if Android could rival the iPhone? One that makes winning is the availability of applications, so that function more consumer handsets. But the philosophy of the two cell phone applications in a very different view.
iPhone has long dictatorial action. Apple only allows applications that pass the test and sometimes through strict censorship. On the other hand completely free at Android developers. The majority are free, and there is a need to pay. Taken advantage given to the developer.
Because the software code available in open-source can be changed by the developer in the world. Developer stay fit for local needs and will be a tight competition Apple's App Store.
While the iPhone alone, began to flood the Android handset market. Various handset HTC G1, HTC Magic, G2 Touch / HTC Hero customers have enthusiastically welcomed. Korean companies, Samsung ready to release the Galaxy at the end of this year as well with LG.